Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Party Games for Kids

Golden Christmas decorations

Children and Christmas is an explosive mixture, and if you do not like some games for kids, you'll probably get a big headache this season. Children are curious by nature, have a thirst for knowledge and unlimited resources of energy, the contact, if it is not channeled properly against you. The games can be a great way to make your Christmas party for a child who does. All that you need is a plan and some items that are readily available around the house itself. Take a look at this beautiful Christmas party games.

Pass the parcel
The first thing to do is hide gifts at home, so they are a little hard to find. Take a Christmas hat and put coupons with indices of the hidden presence. A chit has some clues about a gift. Now, sit the children in a circle and ask them to move in the hat pass the music stops. Boy holding his hat when the music stops, have the opportunity to watch for the moment by pointing to the hat. After the first child is the passage this hat again, until all the children to find their hidden presence. Pass the Parcel Christmas is one of the best games for adults.

Points to Glory
You can organize a Christmas quiz and for each correct answer, children are the first 5 points and 20 points awarded to get to get a gift. Christmas quizzes are a great way to educate your children and have fun clean. Ask the children to do something funny how hold their noses and sing a song or imitate their favorite cartoon character. You could have a jury and give prizes for the posts third, second and first in performance, in the end, you can give awards to other children to participate.

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